Comprehensive FMC book

The first comprehensive book about FMC for english-speaking audience has been published by Wiley in 2006

Fundamental Modeling Concepts: Effective Communication of IT Systems

Cover of FMC Book

by Andreas Knöpfel, Bernhard Gröne, Peter Tabeling
ISBN: 978-0-470-02710-3
350 pages
Wiley, March 2006

Text from the Publisher's Website:

A must-have book for systems analysts, architects and managers interested in enhancing successful communication in their organisation.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
    1. The need for communication
    2. The FMC Idea
    3. Outline of this book
  2. Compositional Structures
    1. An example: The travel agency
    2. Modeling the structure of a system
    3. Agents accessing storages
    4. Agents communicate via channels
    5. Summary
    6. Exercises
  3. Dynamic Structures
    1. Petrinets: Basic principles
    2. Conflicts and conditions
    3. Basic patterns
    4. Responsibilities and scope boundaries
    5. Summary
    6. Exercises
  4. Value Structures and Mind Maps
    1. Entity sets and relationships
    2. Cardinalities
    3. Predicates and roles
    4. Partitions
    5. Reification
    6. Summary
    7. Exercises
  5. FMC Basics: Summary
  6. Reinforcing the Concepts
    1. The meta model: A mind map to FMC
    2. Operational versus control state
    3. Block diagrams: Advanced concepts
    4. Petrinets: Advanced concepts
    5. Non-hierarchical transformations and semantic layers
    6. Exercises
  7. Towards Implementation Structures
    1. System structure versus software structure
    2. From Processor to processes
    3. Distribution, concurrency and synchronization
    4. From FMC to objects and classes
    5. Conceptual patterns versus software patterns
  8. Applying FMC in Your Daily Work
    1. Becoming comfortable with FMC
    2. Describing existing systems with FMC
    3. Using FMC in construction
    4. Using FMCdiagrams to support communication
    5. Guidelines for didactical modeling
    6. Cost and benefit of modeling
  9. Modeling and Visualization Guidelines
    1. Introduction
    2. Increasing the reader's perception
    3. Increasing comprehension
    4. Secondary notation, patterns and pitfalls
  10. Relationship with Other Modeling Approaches
    1. Comparing FMC with Structured Analysis
    2. FMC and the Unified Modeling Language
  11. A System of Server Patterns 247
    1. Application domain
    2. A pattern language for request processing servers
    3. Example applications
    4. Conclusion and further research